Why do we need to eat fruits and vegetables? 

The Magical Power of Fruits and Vegetables: Why Do We Need to Eat Them? 

Hello there, little explorer! Have you ever wondered why grown-ups always tell us to eat our fruits and vegetables? Well, today we’re going to embark on a delicious adventure to discover why these colorful and tasty treats are so important for our bodies. Get ready to dive into the magical world of fruits and vegetables! 

Superpowers for Our Bodies 
Did you know that fruits and vegetables have special superpowers? They are packed with vitamins and minerals that make our bodies strong and healthy. Each fruit and vegetable has its own unique set of superpowers to help us grow and thrive. 

Keeping Us Strong 
When we eat fruits and vegetables, they make our bodies strong like superheroes! They have lots of vitamins and minerals that help our bones, muscles, and teeth grow big and strong. So, if you want to be as strong as your favorite superhero, make sure to eat your fruits and veggies! 

Fighting Off Colds and Boo-Boos 
Fruits and vegetables are like secret agents that help our bodies fight off germs and keep us healthy. They have special powers called antioxidants that boost our immune system. That means we’re less likely to get sick and more likely to stay strong and full of energy! 

Magical Colors and Yummy Flavors 
Have you ever noticed how fruits and vegetables come in so many different colors? Each color represents a different kind of superpower! For example, red fruits and vegetables like strawberries and tomatoes have a special power called lycopene that keeps our hearts healthy. And yellow fruits and vegetables like bananas and corn have a power called vitamin C that helps us heal when we have a boo-boo. 

Happy Tummies and Super Poop 
Eating fruits and vegetables helps our tummies feel happy and keeps our poop super strong! They have something called fiber that helps our bodies digest food properly. So, when we eat lots of fruits and veggies, we have super healthy tummies and make super strong poop! 


Fun and Adventure on Our Plates 
Eating fruits and vegetables isn’t just good for our bodies; it’s also a fun adventure! We get to try new and exciting flavors and explore all the colors of the rainbow on our plates. It’s like having a magical garden of deliciousness right in our own kitchen! 

Fruits and vegetables are like magical treasures that give our bodies superpowers. They make us strong, keep us healthy, and help us grow big and tall. So, let’s remember to eat our fruits and vegetables every day and enjoy the fun and tasty adventure they bring to our plates! 

Fruits and vegetables have superpowers that make our bodies strong and healthy. 

They help us fight off germs and stay strong against colds. 

Each color of fruit and vegetable has a different superpower. 

Eating fruits and vegetables keeps our tummies happy and our poop strong. 

It’s fun to explore new flavors and colors through fruits and vegetables. 

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