Let’s Discover How Birds Fly in the Rain! 

Hello, little explorer! Have you ever seen birds flying in the rain and wondered how they do it? Well, today we’re going to dive into the fascinating world of birds and learn how they manage to fly even when it’s raining. Get ready to spread your wings and soar into the rain-filled skies with our feathered friends! 

 Birds and Rain:  

  • Rainy days can be challenging for birds, just like they can be for us. But birds have some amazing adaptations that help them fly even when it’s raining. 
  • Unlike us, birds have feathers that provide them with special abilities to deal with raindrops. 

 Waterproof Feathers: 

  • Have you ever noticed that when it rains, water rolls off the feathers of a bird’s back? That’s because bird feathers have a special coating that makes them waterproof. 
  • This coating prevents water from seeping into the feathers, keeping the bird’s body dry and lightweight for flying. 

 Feather Structure: 

  • Feathers are made up of tiny strands called barbs. These barbs have even smaller branches called barbules. 
  • The barbules have tiny hooks that interlock with each other when the bird preens its feathers. This interlocking creates a smooth and strong surface that repels water. 


  • Preening is the process in which birds clean and maintain their feathers. They use their beaks to carefully arrange the barbs and barbules, ensuring that they stay interlocked. 
  • Preening also helps to spread oil from a special gland at the base of the bird’s tail onto the feathers. This oil further enhances the waterproofing effect. 

 Feather Flexibility: 

  • Birds’ feathers are not stiff like sticks. They are flexible and can change shape to help birds fly better in different weather conditions. 
  • When it’s raining, birds can adjust the position of their feathers to reduce the impact of raindrops and make it easier to fly through the rain. 

 Raindrop Resistance: 

  • Raindrops can create air resistance that slows down birds’ flight. However, birds have evolved to minimize this resistance. 
  • By adjusting the angle of their wings and bodies, birds can reduce the impact of raindrops, making their flight smoother and more efficient. 

 Finding Shelter: 

  • While birds are well adapted to fly in the rain, they still seek shelter when the rain becomes too heavy or uncomfortable. 
  • Birds may take refuge in trees, bushes, or other covered areas to wait for the rain to pass before resuming their flight. 

Rainy days may pose challenges, but birds have incredible adaptations that allow them to fly even when it’s raining. Their waterproof feathers, preening habits, and ability to adjust their wing positions help them glide through raindrops and continue their aerial adventures. So, next time you see birds flying in the rain, remember their amazing abilities and the clever ways they navigate the wet skies! 


  • Birds have waterproof feathers that repel water. 
  • Preening helps birds maintain their feathers’ interlocking structure. 
  • Feather flexibility allows birds to adjust their shape for better flight in the rain. 
  • Birds can change their wing and body angles to reduce the impact of raindrops. 
  • Birds seek shelter in covered areas during heavy rainfall.